Restoring a Fabasoft app.telemetry Server for Data AnalysisPermanent link for this heading

To restore a dataset for data analysis to another server you need the following files:

  • configuration file (infra.xml)
  • Software-Telemetry data (file system)
  • Request data (database)
  • Fabasoft Folio name resolution file (fscdata.xml) – optional
  1. To start setting up your target system you have to setup a clean Fabasoft app.telemetry server as described in the “Installation Guide”.
  2. Stop all Fabasoft app.telemetry services/demons.
  3. Remove all telemetry data.
  4. The process of backup and restore of all of these data is described in the following sections.
  5. When you restore a configuration, this configuration would startup on the new server and would start to connect to all of the configured agents. To avoid this, you have to manually deactivate all agents by setting the status attribute to "2" for all <Agent> elements.
  6. Then start the Fabasoft app.telemetry services and the webserver.
  7. Switch to the “Edit-View” and edit the “Database Connection” to point to your database server.

Problem resolutionPermanent link for this heading

  • No requests in the “Telemetry/Log Pool” view
    • Check database configuration
    • Check if the app.telemetry server may read the database tables
    • Check if table name matches prefix + table name of the log pool
  • Request not found” when selecting a request
    • Check location of telemetry data
    • Check that the app.telemetry service may read the telemetry data
    • Make sure the app.telemetry service has been started after restoring the data
  • No Resolution of Fabasoft “COO”-addresses to names/references.
    • Check if fscdata.xml file is in the correct location
    • Check if the Fabasoft app.telemetry worker may read the file
    • Restart the Fabasoft app.telemetry worker