The Fabasoft app.telemetry command line client communicates with the Fabasoft app.telemetry server using an HTTP connection.
Use the following commands to setup communication parameters:
Command Line Client (Linux) – Configuration Commands |
> apptelemetry set server “http://<servername>/apptelemetry/server/” > apptelemetry set authentication [anonymous | basic <username> <password> | kerberos] example: apptelemetry set authentication basic admin pwd123 |
Optionally you could also set a proxy server with and without authentication (the default setting is to use a direct connection without proxy server.
Command Line Client (Linux) – Configuration Commands – Proxy |
> apptelemetry set proxy [default | direct | host <proxyserver> [<username> <password>]] example: apptelemetry set proxy direct example: apptelemetry set proxy host example: apptelemetry set proxy host myuser mypassword |
Telemetry data files are downloaded to the local host into a specific target directory which can be changed using the following command:
Command Line Client (Linux) – Configuration Commands – Download Directory |
> apptelemetry set downloadtarget “<target-directory>” example: apptelemetry set downloadtarget “/tmp/app.telemetry.client” |
These settings are persisted in a configuration file so they only have to be done the first time.
Location of the persisted configuration file:
Optionally you could also set a timeout for all network requests (from the command line client to Fabasoft app.telemetry web server): default timeout is 30 seconds (30000)
Command Line Client (Linux) – Configuration Commands – Timeout |
> apptelemetry set timeout <timeoutmilliseconds> example: apptelemetry set timeout 60000 |