Install the Fabasoft app.telemetry packages (MSI setup packages) from the product media using the setup.exe files. The Fabasoft app.telemetry server has to be installed once in the infrastructure and the Fabasoft app.telemetry agent on every other system (not on the server where the agent is already included in the server package).
Notice: The setup.exe program may perform some upgrade tasks additionally to the MSI package, so it is important to start the setup by calling the setup.exe file of the appropriate installation directory.
The Fabasoft app.telemetry Agents enumerates the cluster groups on startup to provide the virtual hosts according to the cluster configuration. Therefore the cluster configuration has to be valid upon Fabasoft app.telemetry Agent startup and the Fabasoft app.telemetry Agent has to be restarted after changes to structure or IP addresses of cluster group have been made.
Since the cluster configuration under Microsoft Windows Clusters is provided by the “Cluster Service” process, it is necessary to establish a service dependency between “Fabasoft app.telemetry Agent” service and the “Cluster Service”. This can be done by the following command line:
sc config apptelemetryagent depend= ClusSvc
Since the cluster service will take some time until the cluster configuration will be available, the Fabasoft app.telemetry Agent will wait for the configuration to be available (implemented in Fabasoft app.telemetry 2013 Summer Release). The timeout for this startup delay is 30 seconds and may be configured setting the "ClusterStartupTimeout” DWORD registry key under “HKLM\SOFTWARE\Fabasoft app.telemetry\Agent” to the desired amount of seconds.
In Fabasoft app.telemetry Versions prior to 2013 Summer Release the Fabasoft app.telemetry Agent has to be restarted after cluster startup finished.
Optionally you can install the Fabasoft app.telemetry Software-Telemetry web service (also known as WebAPI) additionally on some agent platforms. (This web service is required for End-2-End instrumented applications using the Fabasoft app.telemetry JavaScript SDK.)
The Software-Telemetry web service is installed as native IIS module with a global handler mapping for “web.telemetry”.
The correct installation of the Software-Telemetry web service can be verified by navigating with a web browser client to any URL ending with “web.telemetry” on this system. The result should be a status page.
The Fabasoft app.telemetry Software-Telemetry Web Service includes the ImageProxy feature, that is used by the screenshot rendering script in den feedback functionality to download images from foreign hosts, because cross site download is not allowed by the browser. As this is a potential security risk (see Server Side Request Forgery) this feature has been deactivated by default in a Hotfix of Version 2023. To reactivate the feature you have to enable it using the registry. Restrict the valid URLs using a regular expression in “ImageProxyURLFilter”.
Enable ImageProxy |
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Fabasoft app.telemetry\WebAPI] "ImageProxyEnabled"=dword:00000001 "ImageProxyURLFilter"="^https?://.*\\.fabasoft\\.com/.*" |
The setup has created a new virtual directory “apptelemetry” in the Internet Information Services “Default Web Site” and also has registered the new “apptelemetry” native IIS module
To test whether the Fabasoft app.telemetry web services is up and running, open the following URL in the web browser: http://localhost/apptelemetry/server/
Last but not least define the access permissions for client users to work with Fabasoft app.telemetry. All users that need to have access must be member of one of the following Microsoft Windows user groups:
These groups are created by the setup process and the user account that has started the setup will be automatically added to the administrative group.
The default authentication methods for the web service are “Integrated Windows authentication” and “Basic authentication”. These settings can be changed in the “Directory Security” tab of the virtual directory “apptelemetry”.
The Fabasoft app.telemetry server setup will ask for a license file only for a new installation or if no license file is present in the ProgramData directory.
If you want to update or install the license file later on, use the Fabasoft app.telemetry client to upload an updated license with your browser.