Prerequisites for Linux SystemsPermanent link for this heading

Configuration of SNMPPermanent link for this heading

The SNMP protocol is required to query essential system information from Linux-based systems. So a correctly configured net-snmp is needed on every Linux-based Fabasoft app.telemetry agent.

Configure the SNMP read community with your desired secure passphrase. (The write-community is not required by Fabasoft app.telemetry software.)

The default configuration file is located in /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf

Configuration (/etc/snmp/snmpd.conf)

# 1. possibility: by using global read-only community

rocommunity <passphrase>
# default: rocommunity public

# ---------------- OR -----------------

# 2. possibility: by using system views

com2sec notConfigUser  default      <passphrase>
# default: com2sec  notConfigUser  default  public

group   notConfigGroup v1           notConfigUser
group   notConfigGroup v2c          notConfigUser
view    systemview     included     .1

access  notConfigGroup ""  any  noauth  exact  systemview  none  none

You should enable automatic startup of SNMP daemon on every server and restart the daemon for the changes to take effect.

Autostart SNMPD Daemon

systemctl --now enable snmpd

Configuration of the Fabasoft app.telemetry SNMP AgentPermanent link for this heading

To enable SNMPD to access agent or status information of a Fabasoft app.telemetry Server instance the SNMPD needs to be configured to enable agentx connections:

Configuration (/etc/snmp/snmpd.conf)

master agentx

After configuring the SNMPD to enable agentx support restart the service.

Installation of Fabasoft app.telemetry SNMP AgentPermanent link for this heading

Installation (Linux Shell)

[root@localhost]# yum localinstall apptelemetrysnmpagent-<version>-<os>.x86_64.rpm

Preparing...              ###################################### [100%]
snmpagent ###################################### [100%]

[root@localhost]# systemctl enable apptelemetrysnmpagent.service

[root@localhost]# systemctl start apptelemetrysnmpagent.service

The Fabasoft app.telemetry SNMP Agent service needs to be configured to start automatically and needs to be started manually after the initial installation. To query the data from a Fabasoft app.telemetry Agent install the apptelemetrymibs-<version>-<os>.x86_64.rpm on the Agent computer and configure the SNMP checks as usual. The windows installation package for the Fabasoft app.telemetry Agent already contains the required MIBS in the default installation MSI package.