Fabasoft app.telemetry provides functionality for application service level management based on services. A service is a Fabasoft app.telemetry element that can be used to configure two kinds of checks, counter checks and availability checks. Based on the configured checks services can have the states OK, WARNING or CRITICAL.
Each service has a defined Fabasoft app.telemetry agent that is responsible for executing the configured checks.
Services can be organized in service groups. A service group is a Fabasoft app.telemetry element that can contain one or more services or service groups again. Based on the state of its services a service group can have the states OK, WARNING or CRITICAL.
Fabasoft app.telemetry agents can be configured to periodically read system counters and to monitor the read counter values. Based on the counter value and configurable limits, a counter check can report the states OK, WARNING or CRITICAL.
For heterogeneous environments Fabasoft app.telemetry supports the use of counter definitions. A counter definition describes the retrieval of a counter for each supported operating system, so a counter check based on a counter definition is available for all operating systems considered in the counter definition.
Fabasoft app.telemetry agents running on Linux platforms (as described in chapter Fabasoft app.telemetry Agent) support checks for the following local (on the server hosting the Fabasoft app.telemetry agent) accessible system counters:
A Fabasoft app.telemetry agent can read local available SNMP values and remote SNMP values provided by SNMP services. Access to remote SNMP values can be configured through proxy agents.
For running processes and processors available to the operating system Fabasoft app.telemetry agents support the counters “% idle time”, “% privileged time”, “% processor time” and “% user time“ as long as those counters are available via the /proc file system.
Based on a simple formula (addition, subtraction, multiplication or division) the counter value can be dynamically computed using supported SNMP values, Linux /proc counter and/or counter definitions.
Fabasoft app.telemetry agents running on Microsoft Windows platforms (as described in chapter Fabasoft app.telemetry Agent) support checks for the following local (on the server hosting the Fabasoft app.telemetry agent) accessible system counters:
A Fabasoft app.telemetry agent can read local available SNMP values and remote SNMP values provided by SNMP services. Access to remote SNMP values can be configured through proxy agents.
A Fabasoft app.telemetry agent can read local available Microsoft Windows performance counters.
Based on a simple formula (addition, subtraction, multiplication or division) the counter value can be dynamically computed using Microsoft Windows performance counter and/or counter definitions.
Fabasoft app.telemetry agents can be configured to periodically perform availability checks and to monitor the results. Based on the result, an availability check can report the states OK, WARNING or CRITICAL.
Fabasoft app.telemetry agents running on Linux platforms (as described in chapter Fabasoft app.telemetry Agent) support the following local (on the server hosting the Fabasoft app.telemetry agent) accessible availability checks:
A Fabasoft app.telemetry agent can check the availability of a Linux process by querying the /proc file system for a configured command line.
A Fabasoft app.telemetry agent can check the availability of a Red Hat cluster service by retrieving the cluster service’s state from the Red Hat cluster manager.
A Fabasoft app.telemetry agent can check the availability of a web service by sending an HTTP-request and checking the received HTTP status code.
Web service availability checks are supported for the authentication methods “anonymous”, “basic” and “certificate” (X.509 certificates in PEM format).
A Fabasoft app.telemetry agent can test the connection to a TCP port on a remote system.
A Fabasoft app.telemetry agent can test the availability of a remote system with an ICMP ping check.
Fabasoft app.telemetry agents running on Microsoft Windows platforms (as described in chapter Fabasoft app.telemetry Agent) support the following local (on the server hosting the Fabasoft app.telemetry agent) accessible availability checks:
A Fabasoft app.telemetry agent can check the availability of a Microsoft Windows service by retrieving the service’s state from Microsoft Windows service control manager.
A Fabasoft app.telemetry agent can check the availability of Microsoft Windows cluster resource by retrieving the resource’s state from Microsoft Windows cluster manager.
A Fabasoft app.telemetry agent can check the availability of a web service by sending an HTTP-request and checking received the HTTP status code.
Web service availability checks are supported for the authentication methods “anonymous”, “basic”, “certificate” (X.509 certificates in PEM format) and “Microsoft Windows integrated”.
A Fabasoft app.telemetry agent can test the connection to a TCP port on a remote system.
A Fabasoft app.telemetry agent can test the availability of a remote system with an ICMP ping check.
Fabasoft app.telemetry can be configured to compute the percentage of availability within a configurable core time and within a configurable remaining time based on the result of an availability check. Configurable time periods (e.g. for maintenances windows) can be excluded from this computation.
Based on online Software-Telemetry logs (as described in chapter Online Software-Telemetry Logs) Fabasoft app.telemetry can be configured to periodically compute the response time of requests received from applications using the Fabasoft app.telemetry integration and to monitor the results. Based on the configuration response time checks can have the states OK, WARNING or CRITICAL.
Fabasoft app.telemetry supports a check for the computation of the average response time of requests. The average response time is computed for a configurable time frame.
Fabasoft app.telemetry supports a check for the computation of the percentage of requests showing a response time lower than a configurable threshold. The percentage of requests is computed for a configurable time frame.
Fabasoft app.telemetry allows the configuration of notifications. Notifications can be configured using notification channels and notification contacts.
A notification channel describes the transport used for notifications. Fabasoft app.telemetry supports the sending of notifications via SMTP on Microsoft Windows platforms or via a locally available “sendmail” installation on Linux platforms or the execution of a command line on the Fabasoft app.telemetry server as notification channels.
A notification contact is the receiver of a notification. Notification contacts can be defined for service groups, services, counter checks and availability checks. The notification contact will be notified each time the state of the defined service group, service, counter check or availability check changes.
Notification contacts can be defined for online Software-Telemetry logs (as described in chapter Online Software-Telemetry Logs). The Notification contacts will be notified each time an application instrumented with the Fabasoft app.telemetry integration generates an automatic Software-Telemetry session (as described in chapter Automatic Software-Telemetry Session).