Fabasoft app.telemetry provides an SDK that enables applications to integrate into Fabasoft app.telemetry. Applications can integrate by registering themselves into Fabasoft app.telemetry and by providing information (events) used within Software-Telemetry sessions. The Fabasoft app.telemetry SDK provides the following integration possibilities:
Applications can register themselves into Fabasoft app.telemetry and therefore can help to reduce manual configuration efforts.
By providing an application name, a unique application-id, a tier name and a tier-id an application can register itself to show up in Fabasoft app.telemetry.
Fabasoft app.telemetry provides the functionality of Software-Telemetry sessions. A Software-Telemetry session can be started by selecting a registered application, by selecting one of the supported recording levels and by choosing an application specific filter value. The SDK provides the possibility for applications to register their application specific filter values.
In a Software-Telemetry session applications provide information that help analyzing the route of a request. Software-Telemetry requests are partitioned into applications and servers as well as processes or threads. The SDK provides the possibility for applications to detail these partitions by using modules. A module is a part of an application that allows a better view of the request’s route within the application itself.
In Software-Telemetry requests registered applications provide information by using events. Each event consists of an id (unique id within an application module) and a text description. To reduce the amount of transferred Software-Telemetry data, the SDK provides the possibility for applications to register their application specific events (id and text) so applications only have to pass the event id to the Software-Telemetry SDK.
In Software-Telemetry requests registered applications provide information by using events. By sending events applications can provide the following information to Fabasoft app.telemetry:
Applications provide recording level information (standard, detail or debug) for each event sent. Depending on the selected recording level of the current Software-Telemetry session, only events matching that selected recording level get transported to the Fabasoft app.telemetry server.
In a Software-Telemetry session, a request can be tracked through multiple threads, processes or services of integrated applications. The Fabasoft app.telemetry SDK provides the possibility for applications, to pass the therefore required information to Fabasoft app.telemetry. Applications can allocate a context to start the recording of a request and release a context to end the recording of a request. To pass a context between threads or processes applications get the current context on the calling side, transport the context and attach to that context on the called side. The transfer of the context must be implemented by the application.
Fabasoft app.telemetry allows applications to combine requests into a Software-Telemetry session. The Software-Telemetry session includes the last requests received from the application.